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HuDIT is a digital health company that produces digital therapeutics and operates a platform.


Human Digital Therapeutics

The developed app is about to be commercialized.
The subsequently developed app is planned to be expanded to a wider digital health universe and use
to verify related webbing products, devices, and sensors.
It is intended to expand into the R&N business and contribute to a healthy health environment.
Theoretical Background and Necessity

According to the "2014 Disability Survey," intellectual and autistic disorders, classified as developmental disabilities in South Korea,
show the highest growth rates among all disability categories.

These conditions pose a significant economic burden, with an estimated annual cost of $17,000 per person with autism, resulting in a lifetime economic burden of $2.3 million.

HuDIT addresses the needs of communication-impaired individuals through digital therapeutic solutions,
acknowledging the challenges faced by adults with communication difficulties.

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